Pumpkins, Lamborghinis and Jogging!
Yesterday, I was just scrolling through the TV channels and came across Magnum PI (The ORIGINAL one! AND only one as far as I’m concerned 😉 ), and started strolling down memory lane. Back in the day, we actually had about 5 channels, and we had to walk to the TV to actually, turn the knob to change them. Ha. That’s dating myself! Well, funny, during those days, my neighbor’s mom was a fitness teacher (actually special education fitness teacher), and we had this beautiful dad that lived around the block from us. He looked just like Magnum! So, my friend's mom used to go jogging around and follow him every time she would see him jogging around the block. Just made me laugh. But now I am her age, and wish I was in good enough shape to chase him, but I do still think there are not many, if any, actors that were as hunky as Magnum!
So, what brings you back to funny memories, or triggers something heart felt in a blast from the past? I don’t reminisce too often, since I am always busy with what is going on in the present. But I do relish those days when things seemed simpler, and I didn’t have a cell phone tied around my neck all the time. My mind didn’t seem all fuzzy about what to do next. I was a little A-D-D, but I accomplished a lot. Of course, I had MOM accountability back then. Actually, to tell the truth, if I didn’t get to it, mom would do it for me. So, I was pretty un-stressed back then. Today, I realize that there’s no one but me to handle all the messes I create, both good and bad. Thankfully, I have a partner in life that can back me up on things. But I sometimes long for days that were easy and light, and I didn’t have to stress about what’s to come, or what I have to get done next. Do you ever feel that way? What have you created that you wish could just go away, or be simplified?
Honestly, we overcomplicate, over think, over do most everything these days. We are impatient and over done in most areas of life. We can’t even relax to rest at night for thinking about the plans (all the things on the to do list) that must be done that week. I have to schedule a vacation for 2 weeks, because the first week is all sleeping and trying to get to the vacation part! I think most everyone could use a little simplification. I am going to prioritize more time for myself, to reflect and bring peace to my mind and body. I do spend most mornings talking to God, and reading the Bible. Which does actually start my day off on the right foot and give me a happy outlook for what the day will bring. I hope you will join me this week in actually planning for a little down time, to quiet the mind, and refill your soul. I have started enjoying some little art projects, and that totally brings me to inner peace and joy. My sister and I finally found something we love to do together, (besides singing together, or watching Hallmark or Golden Girls! haha), and it brings us closer and gives us even more reason to plan time together! Find something fun and easy that does this for you, or brings you closer to ones you love who add value to your life!
I challenge you to take more time for yourself, to refuel and enjoy some down time. Stop running at full speed constantly! You will be better in all areas of your life if you take the time to shut out the noise, even if it’s for only thirty minutes. But if you could actually find a whole day to rest, you will reap many rewards, for yourself and your family. I sometimes thought it was selfish to take time for myself, but now I know that it’s selfish not to. You can’t always perform at your peak if you are totally spent. So do everyone around you a favor and make this a priority! You’ll thank me later. And I really do want to know about all the fun memories you cherish, that take you back to the good old days! I’m all about Andy Griffith and sitting on the porch around a guitar and a couple of friends.😊