Sell Your Property


Our real estate agency excels at helping people sell their properties for a substantial profit. In 2020, our team closed a record-setting $16 million in sales (in spite of the pandemic) and we've continued breaking records since.

We've served the Gulf Coast of Alabama for 20 years and have over 250 agents in our office working to find the most promising buyers for our sellers. And believe us - we have a long list of buyers who may be willing to pay more than you think for your home!

We use the latest technology to enhance the sale experience. For example, we provide 3D mapping for virtual tours, and we can even do virtual walk-throughs for buyers.

Please keep us at the top of your mind for when it's time to sell and let us know what we can do to help. With the Key Performance Team, you'll always have the best advantage.

For Sale House Sign

Contact Us & Enjoy a Free Analysis

We’ll provide an assessment of your property's worth in the current market & tips for a swift sale!

combined years of experience in
Sales & Service on the KPT team
record-setting real estate sales in 2020 and growth has only continued since
agents in our office working hard to ensure our clients get the most profitable deals